All we need is love. HAHA! And a WHOLE LOT OF PATIENCE! It's not exactly how I had visioned it but here's a few Valentine shots we did today of Emmagail..
So, my newest hobby..knitting..and this was my first project..did in on Thursday evening..a little scarf for Emmagail. She's been wanting one for a while now, she loved it..she was saying how warm it was..haha!
A few of Emmagail from this morning after waking up..I love waking up to her every day. She is always so sweet in the morning. I feel like I need to start writing down everything that she says..she talks so much and is always saying the cutest things. I just don't want to forget anything. The other night I was rocking her to sleep and she didn't really want to go to sleep..she kept saying "Momma I got a secret" then she'd wave me closer "Come here" she'd say. Then she says "ssssss...I love you." HAHA! I know, I have the cutest daughter you don't have to tell me..of course I may be a bit biased. Anyways..I am trying to enjoy her as much as possible while it's just her still...7 weeks until Ella gets here and as excited as I am to have a new baby to love I am going to miss spending so much time with Emmagail just "us."
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I am a young portrait artist living in Missouri. I love to do portrait work along with fine art. I am 24, I have been married 6 years to my husband, Luke and we have a 3.5 year old daughter, Emmagail and an 18 month old daughter, Ella. Please visit my website at .