A few of Emmagail from this morning after waking up..I love waking up to her every day. She is always so sweet in the morning. I feel like I need to start writing down everything that she says..she talks so much and is always saying the cutest things. I just don't want to forget anything. The other night I was rocking her to sleep and she didn't really want to go to sleep..she kept saying "Momma I got a secret" then she'd wave me closer "Come here" she'd say. Then she says "ssssss...I love you." HAHA! I know, I have the cutest daughter you don't have to tell me..of course I may be a bit biased. Anyways..I am trying to enjoy her as much as possible while it's just her still...7 weeks until Ella gets here and as excited as I am to have a new baby to love I am going to miss spending so much time with Emmagail just "us."

Aww too cute first of all!!! Fallon got a sock monkey for Christmas and she is in awe of it she just sits and stares at it lol. Secondly I think you are going thru what ever mom goes thru with baby number two right around the corner, the moment when the new baby becomes bittersweet...afraid of neglecting the first but on the other hand you are gonna have this new bundle of love...for me this feeling passed quickly especially once I got home and realized both my kids get too much attention...spoiled little stinkers!
I think you are right about that Amber..I can't wait until Ella gets here so we can get on with life..haha..I hate waiting.
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