Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Goofing Around..

I forgot I took these a couple weeks ago..we were playing around with the fisheye lens..haha..she's so funny!


The Dembkowski Bunch said...

Amy she is too cute!!! I love her tutus!!!! And the fish eye pics are halarious!!!! You gotta love a two year old at play it's one of the best things to see!

Amy Biggerstaff said...

I wanted to get her jumping on the bed, but she couldn't get high enough! LOL!

The Dembkowski Bunch said...

HAHA you would love my son then, that boy jumps on my bed like crazy all the time! Drives me nuts I make my bed then come back to find it destroyed thanks to my little monster lol. I am never gonna be able to keep it made once Fallon gets big enough to start jumping on it and messing it up.